Project Summary
Using the Apocalypse World engine, three to five Players and one Drama Club Director play through four acts over the course of a high school musical: Auditions, Rehearsal, Opening Night, and the Cast Party. In each act, players are encouraged to follow the drama of the scenes and inspire each other to burst out into improvised songs.
Full Game Link:
As the sole-designer on Toche Thespians, I spearheaded game design, writing, graphic design, layout, and crowdfunding to create a genre-heavy, short tabletop gaming experience that draws heavily upon drama kid and musical theater references in tone and appearance. The system was crafted through collaboration with NYC musical improvisers and pianists to create an accessible introduction to musical improv forms via TTRPGs. Specific skills exhibited in Toche Thespians include:
TTRPG game design, using the Apocalypse World engine
Writing, editing, graphic design, art, and layout for a 30 page zine
Extensive musical theater research
Successfully crowdfunding and shipping via Kickstarter, funded in 36 hours and raised 5-times the original funding goal
Character Sheet Samples
Tori Smith: Design, Writing, Layout, Map & Advertisement Art
Frank Spitznagel: Musical Director
Eugene An: Character Artist
Playtesters: Camron Gonzalez, Nyusha Iampolski, Hillary Laine, Beau McGhee, Lee McGirr, Adam Payne, & Morgan Przekurat
Musical Improvisers: Sarah Brenner, Amanda Mayer, Adam Payne, Price Stoeffel, Lauren Stripling Brodie, Erin White, & Michele Foor